Cycle Confidence 4-day Workshop

Naturally support your period and hormones with this next level cycle awareness.

“I want to support my body through cycle awareness. But I know so little about my hormones and period.”

Let's get to it, girl!

This is for you, if you want to:

  • Learn how to leverage your cycle (#cyclesyncing) to alleviate common symptoms such as cramps, PMS, heavy flow, and acne.
  • Understand a "normal" period. Break free from the confusion around what a typical menstrual cycle and period "should" look like.
  • Connect with your body's rhythm and empower yourself with essential insights and practices.
  • Identify your fertile window and be able to optimize or prevent pregnancy with confidence.

Reconnect with the feminine wisdom of your menstrual cycle.

I’ll teach you how.

Your periods and your life will never be the same ✨

I'm here to guide you!

Your monthly cycle provides clues into what’s happening with your hormones (and your whole body).

You'll attain better body literacy, understand the clues, and support the various phases of your cycle through food, lifestyle practices, and movement. And confidently optimize your chance of pregnancy, if that's your goal. 

Are you ready to more deeply connect with your menstrual cycle, reclaim your feminine wildness and unlock that beautiful and deep inner wisdom that you hold?!

Who is this for?!

Whether you're on or off birth control, desiring or avoiding pregnancy, or navigating perimenopause...

This workshop is for you. The goal is for you to walk away with clarity and confidence with how to support your cycle, period, and hormones so you can feel like you and deeply connect with your inner wisdom!

Understanding and holistically supporting your cycle is the first place to start. This means you will know your unique “normal”, when your fertile window is, what hormones are involved and what they do, and ways to naturally support the phases of your cycle.

Once you’re tuned into the rhythm, it’s much easier to identify where things feel off. I'll be here to guide you.

Most of us have had very little education around our cycles and hormones.

Instead, we learned to not have sex, because pregnancy could - and probably will – happen at any time!

Let's change the dialogue around our cycles - for you, for me, and for our future generations!

I'm here to EMPOWER you, lady! ♡

After this workshop, you’ll be able to confidently:

🤍 Understand the role of the major hormones in your cycle.

🤍 Understand how these hormones affect your mood, sleep, energy, bloating, acne, PMS, painful periods, and motivation.

🤍 Learn what foods, movement and lifestyle practices support the different phases of your natural cycle and beautiful body.

🤍 Identify the first day of your cycle and understand the range of a "normal" cycle and period.

🤍 Know your fertile window, and how to identify when you’re ovulating to either optimize or prevent pregnancy.

🤍 Walk away understanding the steps to continue naturally support your hormones.

This course is the health class we never had!

Better late than never. This course is 10/10! 👌🏽 

- Rochelle T.

Cycle Confidence Workshop


4 days to gain confidence and be empowered with how to holistically support your period, hormones, and cycle. 💗🌙

I’m here to break it all down over 4 days.

When: all modules are pre-recorded so you can watch anytime, anywhere!

Who: This is for all women currently cycling, on any form of birth control, or in perimenopause.

There is a private Facebook group to connect with the community and incredible wisdom of the other women in the workshop, and to ask Jenna questions.

Meet Dr. Jenna

I am so passionate about women’s health because I’ve been where you are - hormones a hot mess, feeling confused and becoming overwhelmed with all the info out there. I understand your pain.

My goal is to help you understand your hormones, take back control of your body, and live with ease and confidence, so you can focus on doing the things you love most!

By the end of this challenge, I hope you walk away feeling educated, empowered, excited. I can’t wait to meet you!

There’s so much ease and empowerment that comes with understanding how your hormones work and what to expect throughout your whole cycle, not just your period.

Everyone wants to start with sexy supplements, but the truth is nothing is as powerful as understanding your own body. Then you can make informed decisions about additional support, as needed.

And for women who are thinking about getting off birth control, I got you, too. There are hormone imbalances that can be identified by what’s showing up in your body. And then we know what tools to use to address those imbalances.

Are you ready?

Cycle Confidence Workshop


4 days to gain confidence and be empowered with how to holistically support your period, hormones, and cycle. 💗🌙

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